sam bellers
Who is our customer?
Sam Bellers is a specialist in renovating bathrooms: from design to installation. From breaking and tiling to installing sanitary fittings and taking care of the total interior finishing. He takes care of a complete bathroom renovation tailored to your needs. Sam also takes care of total renovation projects, new construction projects and takes care of total interior finishing and decoration. All desired techniques are integrated in the house.
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The needs of the customer
Sam works enormous hours himself and currently works with 2 subcontracted freelancers. Sam is someone who works very precisely and always wants to dot the i's and cross the t's. Everything has to be beautiful and perfect. Everything has to be finished beautifully and perfectly. After being self-employed for 6 years, he noticed that he was constantly working both during the day and in the evening, and that the financial side was not in proportion to the work and time he put in. In order to work more effectively and have more money left over, he enlisted the help of The Art of Growing for a tailor-made growth plan.
We have implemented 6 steps to success in the growth plan. In the growth plan, we paid a lot of attention to the entrepreneur himself and his perception of the market, his customers and himself. In order to also be more visible online, we set up a new website for Sam and created a content strategy for social media.
Key achievements in a row
Draw up and implement a growth plan for 2022
Adjusting the look and feel of the website to attract more customers
Setting up social media channels
Drawing up a content strategy
Learning to say 'no
Finding it worthwhile to apply certain prices
Daring to change
Daring to feel good and proud of themselves
Raising prices on products and services
Adjusting the way of working with subcontractors
The cooperation with The Art of Growing will therefore lead to, among other things
More self-confidence
A better feeling as an entrepreneur

"Very satisfied with the cooperation. Offering help with taking initiatives. Giving impetus to want to and be able to change within the company. Innovating."