more vitality, less Stress
Wijerstraat 7, 3520 Zonhoven, Belgium
target audience?
Anyone dealing with stress and loss of energy/vitality
in group session 6 p - 650 € excl btw
One on one, please ask a custom made offer
5 evenings of 2 hours (10 uren)
Stress is everywhere, we put high pressure on ourselves but also our environment, our clients and other relationships. How best to deal with this?
Stress is the killer and causes heart disease, increased blood pressure, joint pain, obesity, and a general feeling of unhappiness. Time to turn your life and habits around and choose for yourself. Your body is a temple that we should love, respect and care for. Now is your time to adjust yourself.
What makes someone vital and fit? How can you work toward this? What is important? Question yourself, your life, your environment and your workload and rearrange some things to experience happiness and balance again.
Many business owners and employees have a hard time disconnecting. They come home at night but only think about their work. They still have difficulty focusing on their family/partner and wander off. Also, they often wake up at night and then start brooding. Help I want peace of mind and to experience more happiness and balance!