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Image by David Å vihovec

Unfold Ibiza

24/09 - 29/09

sold out

A special programme for female entrepreneurs, self-employed people and executives.

Open to working on yourself.

Open to more self-awareness.

Open to developing a deeper connection with yourself and others.

To work on yourself and your business from a distance.




Business mentor & growth expert


Yoga with Joni.png


Health coach & yoga teacher


During this trip with enterprising women, the focus is on finding the connection with yourself. "Connect body, mind and soul." We will do this through accessible yoga sessions, meditation exercises and mindfulness. Yoga has many benefits on your wellbeing, physically, mentally and emotionally. It reduces stress, makes you live more in the here and now and creates inner peace. It also gives you more self-confidence because you become more connected with yourself, more aware of what you want (and what not). You have more vitality and more emotional resilience. In short, you feel balanced.


  • Connect your body - "Listen to your body's whispering, so it doesn't have to scream." During yoga exercises, you get to know your body better and soothe physical tensions that have become stuck, your blood can flow smoothly again and you feel full of life.

  • Connect your mind - Never underestimate how strong and powerful your thoughts can be. After this Unfold Trip, you will go home with exercises, specifically for you, which you can apply in your daily life to cope with stress. Your self-confidence will grow, you will feel powerful(er) in life.

  • Connect your soul - You get tools to live your life. Living consciously and knowing that every day can be a new beginning. Being able to make conscious and authentic choices. For yourself and your organisation.

  • Integration round & feedback


The course consists of 6 contact days, from 24/09 to 29/09/2022. â€‹

A moment of respite from the hectic world we live in, to unwind and gain new insights. 


What you learn here can be integrated at home and in your own organisation. During this journey, you come to your senses. You will experience more self-knowledge, live and do business more consciously and with more focus. In short: you go home feeling good and relaxed. You know that you are alive and what you are living for!


Are you convinced? Or do you want some more information about this trip? Send an e-mail to and we're happy to help you! 

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